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Chiropractor Treats Tennis Elbow Conservatively

Chiropractor Treats Tennis Elbow Conservatively

If you think that only tennis players can get tennis elbow and not you as you have never been near any tennis court, read further.

Tennis elbow is caused due to the swelling of tendons which results in pain in the elbow and the arm. Tendons are the band of tissue that connects the muscle from your lower arm to the bone.

What Causes Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is caused due to activities which require repetitive gripping using the first two fingers and thumb. This can strain the muscles and tendons hence this may lead to tears in the tissue causing the condition called tennis elbow. Activities such as playing tennis, squash, racquetball, badminton or weight-lifting can cause tennis elbow. It can affect anyone who has a job that requires gripping frequently. This condition is more common in the age group of the late 30s and early 40s.

Tennis Elbow Treatments:

Tennis elbow is not really a serious condition if treated timely. It usually heals on its own; you just need to rest it for a period. Here are some simple remedies to treat tennis elbow;

Avoid the Use of the Affected Hand Till it Heals:

If you can give the affected hand a break, that would be a great way of treating it effectively as the tendon and muscles need some rest for the elbow to heal quicker.

Use an Elbow Strap:

Using an elbow strap to protect the injured area from further strain is necessary if you wish to heal the injured elbow as soon as possible. You will find these straps easily in any medical store.

Apply Ice:

Ice application can help in reducing the inflammation hence the pain will subside. Do this every day for 30 minutes at least 3 to 4 times a day until your elbow heals.

Perform Some Exercises:

Ask your doctor to recommend some exercises which may help heal your elbow faster. The exercise will consist of motion exercises to reduce the stiffness and you can do that 4-5 times in a day.

Visit a Chiropractor:

You can also get the assistance of chiropractic experts such as ProHealth Chiropractic to help you with reducing the pain by therapy to stretch the muscle and strengthen it.

Take Anti-Inflammatory Medication:

The pain may get severe sometimes and you will have to take some anti-inflammatory medication to relieve yourself from the pain. Ask your doctor to prescribe this medication in case your pain becomes chronic.